Judy HAiven: The Orwellian reality is that five people did not survive their “wellness check” carried out by police. There is no coincidence here: The police shot the five because of their race and because they could do so.

The two main Jewish organizations are silent on the recent racist attacks on Black people on both sides of the border. “Human and civil rights organisations one after the other have come out in support of the campaign Black Lives Matter – but not B’nai Brith Canada, or CIJA,” writes Judy Haiven.

Stephen McNeil Stephen McNeil twists in the wind – while Nova Scotians ramp up their demand for an inquiry, writes Judy Haiven.

The coronavirus crisis is an absolute disaster for women in so many ways—work, income, personal safety, housing, family life. Judy Haiven takes a closer look.

Judy Haiven: It’s precisely the skills of patience, fortitude, thrift, respect, organization, and active listening which have been undervalued in our society and are now critically needed. Is it too much to think there will be a change in how women’s work is seen– and more importantly compensated?