Kendall on social inclusion, not just during the holidays, but all the time. “Income Assistance recipients see people moving on in life, being financially better off, driving vehicles, being in relationships and living healthy lives. Income Assistance recipients ask, Why can’t it be us?”

At last night’s screening of My Week on Welfare in Dartmouth, g=human rights lawyer Vince Calderhead talked about how the much-hyped transformation did not at all make things better for people on income assistance and his fear that special needs allowances will be next.

He also tackles the subject of tactics, don’t waste your time trying to convince bureaucrats, he says.

Recently Community Services organized a series of info sessions to provide an update to stakeholders on the ESIA transformation. I couldn’t go of course, since I am merely a grouchy old journalist and not a stakeholder. But I talked to a few anti-poverty advocates, and this is what I found out.

In September several MLAs from all three parties attended a screening of My Week on Welfare at the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Art Gallery in downtown Halifax. This is what Aron Spidle, who is featured in the documentary, told the MLAs. “When a friend asks me to do something with them, the first thing that occurs to me is to ‘how can I get out of this gracefully?’ because most of the time I cannot afford it.”

We’re very happy to present Remembering, a poem by Killa Atencio, a wonderful poet of Mi’kmaq and Quechua ancestry. It’s the first of eight poems we will publish during the remainder of the year, selected as a result of the call for poems we issued a while ago.  

Poverty activist and Income Assistance recipient Tim Blades on poverty in Nova Scotia. “I speak from experience that when you speak up, you can open eyes to what is going on and embolden others to speak up as well.  To have such poverty in Nova Scotia is unconscionable. It’s time for a change. It’s 2018.”

A screening of My Week on Welfare, the no holds barred view into the lives of people caught up in Nova Scotia’s welfare system, will be held October 4 at the Dartmouth North Community Centre. We talk to Tim Blades, who helped organize the event, about why these kinds of meetings are so important and liberating for people on social assistance. Oh, and the screening is sponsored by the Nova Scotia Advocate.