Conciliation between the Dalhousie Faculty Association and the Board of Governors has failed. “While today was the first of two days scheduled for conciliation, we reached an impasse this morning,” says DFA President David Westwood. “The Board presented their best offer, and they have not moved on a few critical issues related to our pension that are unacceptable to our members. At a time when the university needs everyone working together, the Board is choosing to push our members to the brink.”

An overwhelming majority of members of the Dalhousie Faculty Association are willing to go on strike if the university’s Board of Governors doesn’t compromise on its current bargaining stance. “We’re still not sure why this is the year they’ve chosen to try to force through these changes, other than that they don’t believe we have the strength to fight back because of Covid fears. To try to take advantage of the pandemic in such a way is just terrible,” says David Westwood, president of the faculty association.

Dr. Julia Wright: “We’ve been talking a lot about affordability this election. Let me tell you what that looks like in Halifax for those on short-term contracts or per-course contracts at one of our universities.”