featured Racism

Raymond Sheppard: Resisting the constant negative propaganda aimed at African people

Raymond Sheppard. Photo Robert Devet

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – It’s estimated that the United States, Canada and European countries, to name a few, made an estimated $430 trillion from the enslavement of African people. Today governments continue to manipulate our people in a continued attempt to conquer us. 

These attempts to conquer us are based on straight-out lies, misrepresentations, propaganda, negative media imagery and social media, generalizations, exploitation, unjust laws and manipulation. 

Their objective is to normalize the negativity that has been heaped upon us and accept it as the way it’s supposed to be. This allows for the continuation of their power and control, privilege and profit. If we accept and believe what has been forcefully imposed on us, victory is theirs and the elephant continues to sit on us and oppress us.

This is why it is so important that each one teach one and each one reach one.

It is time that more African Nova Scotians/Canadians wake up to this reality, and recognize that some of us do not know that we don’t know.

Deliberate fashioning of division in the ranks has always been a popular ploy to divide and conquer us. This strategy has been successfully used for centuries.

Gross manipulation programs are generally controlled by those that own and operate most media. It is set in motion to turn us inward and to produce and stimulate self doubt and thoughts of inferiority. These negative messages continue to inundate our waking lives while psychologically creating trauma and producing thoughts and feelings of powerlessness.

If left unchecked and allowed to fester, these thoughts lead us to accept this powerlessness, thus continuing to make us vulnerable to their control and deceptions.  

Well, this negative portrayal of us is absolutely false! The ones that truly hold the negativity are those that try to use, abuse and destroy others that are not like them.

When African people rightfully stand up against oppression, racism, intolerance and anti-Black racism, we are penalized by being told to quell our anger, displeasure and pain. But it is only lip service they pay, and any promises they make are soon broken again.

These days social media campaigns are directed toward us to continue to destabilize our communities and to confuse and scramble our thought processes. This mass psychological manipulation against a people is not by accident, it is a deliberate attempt to maintain power and control, privilege and profit.

There is constant propaganda deliberately aimed toward us as African people in order to turn hate inward and to promote self destruction. 

The quest to conquer and annihilate us as African people is relentless and some of our own people are being used to seal the deal.

As African Nova Scotians/Canadians we must continue our concerted efforts against this psychological manipulation and stay strong and stand strong.

Truth to Power, Brother and Sisters!

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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