PSA: Panel discussion and workshop on Policing Black Lives. Is this too much noise about nothing?
PSA: This panel discussion seeks to interrogate how we look at, define, and contribute to discussions on the policing of Black lives.
PSA: This panel discussion seeks to interrogate how we look at, define, and contribute to discussions on the policing of Black lives.
In light of racist police violence in Halifax it’s time to take another look at body cams, says Raymond Sheppard.
Brenda Thompson, author of an excellent book on poor houses in Nova Scotia, expresses her relief that the unmarked burial ground on Spring Garden Road will remain preserved.
Robin Tress on what Freedom of Information requests have revealed about the hidden backroom manoeuvres of the federal government to pave the way for the Alton Gas project.
PSA: Make workplace bullying illegal in Nova Scotia!
In Nova Scotia most stores must be closed on Monday’s Heritage Day, but to qualify for a day off with pay you must meet quite a few conditions.
Statement by the NS Federation of Labour: The Wet’suwet’en people have inherent Indigenous rights and title that must be recognized and respected. Therefore, we stand in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders in their struggle and support that all parties find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
On Valentine’s Day Kendall Worth hopes that Community Services will reconsider its cohabitation policies that make it difficult for people on income assistance to share companionship.
Lisa Cameron tackles the recent $1 minimum wage increase. It’s a step in the right direction, and credit is due, in large part, to the Fight for $15 and Fairness campaign. But it is not nearly enough.
Activist and poet Angela Bowden reflects on the urgent need to start talking about reparations to the Black community in Nova Scotia. “The evidence and framework for reparations is already embedded in the wisdom and trauma of our elders and our youth, we require all of you to get this job done,” she writes.