featured Racism

This is the horrifying reality: In the US and Canada structural racism never changes

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – With the recent assassination of George Floyd in the United States, it is more clear than ever that the United States of America does  not have the best interest of African American/African Peoples in mind. And with a President in the Oval Office who continues to fan the flames of hatred and injustice African People continue to be at risk. This is the horrifying reality. 

In the middle of a global pandemic, increasing racism, injustice, intolerance, apartheid morals, gross insensitivity, increased white supremacy within police forces and the general population, poverty, unemployment, genocide mentality there continues to be the plan-demic of hate. 

This continuing open season on African Americans puts millions in danger from excessive and deadly force from police and the whole criminal justice system, not to mention racist and white supremacist in the general population. The United States strips millions of their rights under their own laws. These actions are unconscionable. As human beings we cannot tolerate this reckless behavior and gross disregard for human life.

We must link hands of support across borders to help in any way possible, words of encouragement, financial contributions if possible,  letters of support, letter to elected representatives, etc.

Oh, for those that might believe Canada is somehow better than the United States based on how African Canadians are treated, you are completely wrong. African Canadians are besieged with racism on a daily basis.

In the United States and Canada a few things may have changed, but the structural racism remains the same. 

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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