Lisa Roberts: There was rent control here in Nova Scotia until 1993, when the then Liberal cabinet eliminated it with no fanfare or debate. The current Liberal government could re-establish it through a similar cabinet decision or it could pass our bill. Either way, it would be an important first step towards stabilizing the rental market and protecting renters from massive increases.

Martyn Williams, on behalf of the group HRM Safe Streets for Everyone, has written a Councillors survival guide to safer streets and traffic. It targets mayor and council hopefuls, but it is also useful to residents as it sets out the issues, and what councillors can do to resolve them. It’s a comprehensive guide, and, much like Martyn’s articles, the product of meticulous research.

Halifax Council held a three hour virtual public hearing on a proposal to allow allow basement apartments and backyard suites for single-family homes, townhouses and duplexes across the municipality. Stella Lord spoke on behalf of the Community Society to End Poverty, pushing back on expectations that the changes will provide substantial amounts of new affordable housing, while suggesting some more effective approaches.

The Dalhousie Muslim Students’ Association, in collaboration with the Dalhousie Arabic Society, Canadians, Arabs and Jews for a Just Peace, Independent Jewish Voices – Halifax , Human Rights Coalition and Free Palestine HFX is organizing a demonstration regarding this issue on the 22nd of August (Saturday) at the Victoria Park. We will be working on lobbying efforts to our politicians to ask them to not keep quiet while such human rights violations occur and would appreciate your help in these efforts. It is sad to see a lack of salient intervention from the international community, especially from a peacekeeping country like Canada.

Charles Reeve and Samir Gandesha: “While we hear much lately about the interlocking dangers of “cancel culture” versus “free speech,” NSCAD’s example shows that the real threat to universities is corporatization, as long-term decreases in public funding destabilize faculty and students by driving universities into the arms of donors with self-serving agendas.”