A quick story on the lack of support for people on social assistance during this godawful pandemic. “I have multiple chronic illnesses that put me in the high risk category from COVID-19. Not just from the illness itself, but also, if I do get sick it will likely worsen, maybe permanently, all the illnesses I’m already struggling with.”

COVID-19 related demands by a broad coalition of Canadian organizations representing people living with disabilities. “If Canada’s healthcare system becomes overburdened by COVID-19, most triaging guidelines will result in people with disabilities being denied care, triaged out of care solely on the basis of having a disability. “

Involving the police to report an individual for breaking self isolation or social distancing rules is a bad idea. This policy will jeopardize marginalized and/or racialized Nova Scotians.

“Prisoners are an often forgotten part of the public, and prisons are a public health disaster. Now is the time to decarcerate for good. Reducing the population behind bars is a first step to protecting prisoners from COVID-19, and supports creating alternatives to prison in the long term,” writes Martha Paynter.