While it is important to spread the message of acceptance in terms of autism, it shouldn’t be reserved for only one month of the year, and there are right ways and wrong ways of doing so. An editorial by our intern James Piercey, a NSCC journalism student who is autistic and knows of what he speaks.

Speech by Gabrielle Peters at today’s Virtual Vigil for the Disability Day of Mourning: We are entering a dangerous time to be a disabled person in Canada. But I repeat this history to remind us it’s always been dangerous to be a disabled person in Canada. The specific threat we face from Bill C-7 is new to us but Canadian culture, laws, and society being a threat to our safety and well-being is not.

Alex Kronstein continues to explore an Autism NS report, specifically the section about autistics wandering off. Here he tackles police interventions involving autistic people in general, and specifically racialized people. Alex also suggests some safety issues that aren’t getting the attention that they deserve.