Armed forces casualties of the Afghan war, Snowbirds team members, Armed Forces members who died in the crash of the Sikorsky Cyclone helicopter, all these people get state funerals, complete with motorcades. Meanwhile, no such public tributes, photo montages, biographies nor hymns were organized or published to commemorate the 53 seniors who have died from COVID-19 at Northwood Manor. This is no coincidence, writes Tony Seed.

Hartlen Point, a pristine little wilderness area at the mouth of Halifax Harbour, is destined to become the location for a training complex for the Canadian Navy. Somehow an environmental impact assessment is already underway and the window for public comment closed in January. It doesn’t look like any comments were received.

“What’s going on in the military,” Judy Haiven asks as we find out that there were 581 sexual assaults in the five years after the Canadian Armed Forces Operation Honour. That’s one assault every three days!

Judy HAiven: It turns out it’s not just university age women that party in bars who men rapists drug with rohypnol. Military men also spike women’s drinks with the date-rape drug. Likely this ensures a woman’s memory of the night before, of whom she met, whom she talked to and her knowledge of who raped her would vanish.

A rally on Monday Jan. 25 will target Raytheon, the US company whose bombs kill Yemeni children and civilians. The company has close ties with Halifax through its participation in the Canadian Navy modernization project. Kathrin Winkler explains the connection and asks some hard questions.

All too often it’s a foregone conclusion when government decides to outsource a service. But the cleaners at CFB Greenwood and CFB Kingston, Ontario, fought back, and they won. Here is how they did it.

(Wonderful) News release: Plans to contract out cleaning services to private companies at Canadian Forces Bases (CFB) in Greenwood and Kingston have been shelved and the Department of National Defense (DND) has committed to creating a new process for future reviews. Workers at CFB Greenwood were facing unemployment as of next week, with their work being contracted out to a private, for profit company.