Muster the troops line up the ranks
A woman’s going to send the tanks
And all of us will give her thanks
Especially weapons manufacturers, banks

A poem written by El Jones on the occasion of this year’s rally and webinar in opposition to the 12th annual Halifax International Security Forum

Open letter: On behalf of the members of the Jamaican Cultural Association of Nova Scotia (JCANS), we wish to express our displeasure and outrage at the unfair arrest and treatment of KAYLA BORDEN by the Halifax Regional Police. She is a valued member of our Association. This was a blatant case of Anti-Black Racism manifested so egregiously in characteristic Racial Profiling in street checks by law enforcement agencies in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM).

On July 14, 2020, NS PPWG steering committee member El Jones was asked by Halifax Board of Police Commissioners (“HBPC,” “the Board”) Chair Natalie Borden to lead a committee for the purpose of recommending a definition of “defunding the police.”

n response, we proposed that we convene a committee to tender research and consultation on defunding the police in Halifax. We envision this process as being much broader than simply crafting a definition, as any definition that is not adequately supported by research and consultation will be of limited utility.

The Canadian Peace Congress and Halifax Peace Council are pleased to welcome Ajamu Baraka to K’jipuktuk (Halifax)! He will be speaking on the topic of “Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative” at the Halifax North Memorial Library, 2285 Gottingen St, between 1-5 PM.

New contributor Yazan Khader attended Monday’s Burnside Jail info meeting. Here’s his report. “Despite being pregnant she lost weight in the first few months at Burnside,” a formerly incarcerated mother reported. “She blamed this on the food offered at Burnside, which “wasn’t nutritious” and “not fully cooked. She was often given old leftover food to accommodate her dietary needs, she said.