A recent CCPA report counts the ways current labour legislation fails to address needs of workers in the province. Provisions pertaining to standard hours of work, overtime pay, vacation, minimum wage, and statutory holidays are especially weak, writes Lisa Cameron.

As another April Fools’ Day is upon us, Nova Scotians find themselves not in the laughing mood at the latest joke being played on them by the McNeil government. On April 1, the minimum wage will be raised to $11.55 (for experienced workers), which hits well below the $15 recommended by advocates, and will do little to lift hard-working Nova Scotians out of poverty. Organized by the Fight for Fifteen and Fairness campaign, workers will hit the streets on Monday at 12pm at the Maritime Center (1505 Barrington Street) to demand a $15 minimum wage, as well as higher income assistance rates and greater benefits and protections for all workers.

People who get paid the least and work in the most unstable jobs are often the people most vulnerable to abuse by their bosses. And without a union or money to get legal help, these workers usually have nowhere to go. In Halifax at least that situations has improved a bit. There is now a Workers Action Centre (WAC) that you can turn to for answers to your questions and for concrete support.