There are solid signs the proposed Goldboro Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant in Guysborough County is getting ever closer to ramping up. This is bad news for people who worry about climate change as it raises doubts about Nova Scotia’s ability to meet its greenhouse gas (GHC) reduction targets.  Independent researcher Ken Summers did a deep dive, and this is what he discovered.

Recently the Municipality of the District of Guysborough asked the province to lift the moratorium on fracking. Alexander Bridge has been on a mission to tell the world that the municipal council doesn’t speak on behalf of all its residents, and in fact never bothered to find out what people think about this plan.This is Alexander’s letter to Lloyd Hines, his local MLA and minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.

In January council members of the Municipality of the District of Guysborough asked the Province to lift the fracking moratorium. Not so fast, writes Guysborough County resident Alexander Bridge, there was no consultation with residents. it is time to extend an invitation for serious dialogue with those people you represent. The Fracking issue would be a great place to start.

In this updated story Ken Summers writes that when gas prices rise and if government were to cave in to the relentless pressures by the fracking industry they would be back drilling fracking wells in Kennetcook in a jiffy. Here is why, and what that would look like.

Media release by the Council of Canadians on renewed industry efforts to do away with the ban on fracking in Nova Scotia. “It is as if they don’t realize that the fracking, salt cavern gas storage, and mining they are talking about  is on unceded and unsurrendered Mi’kmaq territory. Territory for which we as Mi’kmaq Peoples have the inherent Title. Instead of having entire liberty in trade to our best advantage, as is written in our treaties,: we are having our resources stolen and our land poisoned, then being blamed for our own poverty,” said Rebecca Moore.

Ken Summers reports on the abandoned oil well in Cogmagun, Hants County. It is still not cleaned up 14 years later. Triangle Petroleum is on the hook for cleanup costs, but it’s facing bankruptcy in the US and it got a pretty sweet deal from the province. It will pay nothing.

Ten years after Nova Scotia enticed Triangle Petroleum to experiment with hydraulic fracturing for shale gas in Kennetcook, Hants County, the company walked away and it’s the province that is cleaning up the mess left behind. The province is unwilling to explain what deal it made.