Letter: We will not be able to reach our national climate change goals while initiatives like Pieridae’s Goldboro project are even considered. This makes no sense to me whatsoever, especially when very knowledgeable people within the energy and financial industry are viewing this idea as a ‘boondoggle’.

Pieridae is asking the feds for $1-billion to build a huge liquefied natural gas facility in Guysborough County. It’ risky, it’s bad for the environment, and there are so many far better things we could do with that kind of money, writes Robin Tress of the Council of Canadians.

Check out this powerful video by the amazing Dave Gunning as he sings the praises of the beautiful St Mary’s river in Guysborough County, and explains why plans by Atlantic Gold to construct an open pit gold mine alongside the river should be halted.

Lately things haven’t been looking so great for Pieridae Energy, promoter of the $10 billion proposed Goldboro liquefied natural gas plant in Guysborough County. Researcher Ken Summers explains how a Supreme Court decision affecting already struggling gas producers is pulling the company into financial trouble.

Ken Summers takes a closer look at the viability of the Goldboro LNG plant, and he finds serious obstacles to full development that the company would rather its German government investors wouldn’t know about. Not stated, but implied, this also means that it isn’t too late to resist this mega project that will jeopardize Nova Scotia’s greenhouse gas reduction targets.