Join us on Saturday, January 25th at 2pm at Victoria Park to condemn the U.S. terrorist attacks against Iran & Iraq. Let the Trump Administration know that we do not support another war. Let our Canadian elected officials know that Canada needs to stand up against any acts of war and be a voice of peace.

The Canadian Peace Congress and Halifax Peace Council are pleased to welcome Ajamu Baraka to K’jipuktuk (Halifax)! He will be speaking on the topic of “Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative” at the Halifax North Memorial Library, 2285 Gottingen St, between 1-5 PM.

PSA” An international day of action has been called for Saturday, March 30 to protest NATO and specifically to defend Venezuela against foreign interference by the U.S., Canada and other NATO members and allies.