The coronavirus crisis is an absolute disaster for women in so many ways—work, income, personal safety, housing, family life. Judy Haiven takes a closer look.

We talk with an early childhood educator who is concerned about going back to work maybe as soon as early June. “Right now there’s a lot of talk going into the plan to reopen about PPEs, there’s a lot of talk about ratios. And those are good things that we need to talk about, but I don’t see enough talk about sick time, or wages. And those are two things that we know were part of the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes,” she says.

“They are vulnerable workers and they are heroes too!.” A very good op-ed by Danny Cavanagh, president of the NS Federation of Labour on the sacrifices made by by retail and food production workers, without adequate pay and protection.

The Nook Espresso Bar and Lounge closed its Bedford location in late July of this year. It did so suddenly and without giving any kind of warning to its seven employees. When the owners incorrectly calculated their notice pay, the baristas fought back, with help from the Halifax Workers Action Centre. Lisa Cameron reports.