The Community Agenda for Social Assistance Adequacy and Reform was developed by a network of first voice, social justice workers and allies who have demanded an overhaul of the social assistance program here in NS. The group wants the rates raised immediately and it lists a nine-point blueprint to reform the system. They’ve given the government until Jan. 15 to respond, but the initiative needs as many voices and supporters for this action. If you are interested in learning more and becoming an ally to this progressive change please contact the people listed at the bottom of the document.

Have a holly, jolly Xmas – but if you expect to be paid for the holidays, the Grinch may have something to say about it. Judy Haiven explains in detail what all you are entitled to and what your rights are.

A letter by the coordinator of Women’s Centers Connect expressing support for a broad coalition of community groups who want Community Services to increase income assistance benefits and engage in meaningful consultation.Community Services Connect is an association of the nine community-based women’s centres in Nova Scotia.

The new collective agreement for provincial civil servants decided by an Arbitration Board is not the victory the labour movement claims it is, writes Larry Haiven. At the end of the contract workers will be earning less than they are now, how much less will depend on the inflation rate. And that’s not taking into account the freezing (and removal for new employees) of the “long-service award.

We spoke with Liane Tessier, the Halifax firefighter who will on Monday receive a public apology from the city and Halifax Fire for its misogynistic treatment of her. To accept HRM’s offer to settle and apologize wasn’t an easy decision for Tessier, who hoped that the ten-day human rights tribunal scheduled for October would expose the many culprits at HRM and the Fire Department who made her life hell for all these years. Now she has documented all the ghastly details on her website.