featured Poverty

News brief: A tiny bit of relief for people on low incomes struggling with heating costs

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – People who live on low incomes can apply for up to $400 emergency help if they can’t afford to pay for heat this winter.

The Good Neighbor Energy Fund is run by the Salvation Army, and funded by Nova Scotia Power and the provincial government.

One person households should earn less than $21,000, for households of four or more people incomes should be below $39,000.

The fund runs until April 30. The maximum assistance amount is $400. For more information, visit www.salvationarmy.ca/maritime/gnef/ .

People may also be eligible for the Heating Assistance Rebate Program to help with up to $200 toward home heating costs. Go to www.novascotia.ca/heatinghelp for more information.

Obviously none of this is enough. but hey, just thought I’d pass this info along.   

And since we are on the topic of heating costs, if you are a renter and looking for more long term help in reducing your heating bill through making your place more energy efficient then check out this story we ran last year .  

Free efficiency programs have existed for years for low income homeowners. What’s new here is that now renters and landlords are also included, no matter whether you use electricity to heat your unit, oil or even wood. You do have to get your landlord to apply though.


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