featured Racism Weekend Video

Weekend video: Halifax press conference about racist profiling at Parliament Hill

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Raw footage of the press conference by two African Nova Scotian youths who were part of a much larger group subjected to racist profiling while visiting Parliament Hill.

The youths, part of the Black Voices on The Hill event, were asked to leave a parliamentary cafetaria by a security guard after a government employee complained about their presence. You can read more about what happened here.

Listen to an exasperated Kate McDonald and Trayvone Clayton, who were racially profiled, while Marcus James, father of Trayvone, lends support.

The Federation of Black Canadians, the organization behind the event, seeks a “formal commitment to end racial profiling at the federal level,” Trayvone says he wants nothing less than a face to face apology from Justin Trudeau.

The video was shot by the excellent The Objective News Agency, an independent news agency that covers Black news in Nova Scotia and beyond. It’s re-posted here with their kind permission.

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