featured Labour Poverty

Photo view: Fight for 15 activists picket provincial Liberals’ fundraiser

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Some 60 protesters came out this afternoon to picket the two entrances to Halifax’s historic Citadel Hill, the location of a fundraiser for the provincial Liberal party. 

Fight for 15 activists reminded fundraiser attendants and tourists alike that poverty in Nova Scotia is rampant, and that our minimum wage is one of the lowest in Canada.

Fees to attend the Premier’s 2nd annual Summer Levee started at $50 and went up to $200, for which price you get to attend a pre-reception event, also hosted by Premier McNeil.

To fork out that kind of money would require a minimum wage earner in Nova Scotia some 17.5 hours of work.

The rally was organized by the Fight for 15 and Fairness Halifax, an initiative of the Halifax-Dartmouth and District Labour Council and the Halifax Workers Action Centre. 

Nova Scotia ACORN, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Dalhousie Student Union, Solidarity Halifax and the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour have also signed off on the campaign.      

Come on out to the group’s next organizing meeting on August 6.

See also: Fight for 15 and Fairness: Minimum wage increase in Nova Scotia just a bad April Fools joke

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