I end my presentation with one request, Ms Knight; Hear what I am saying, look at these examples, and tell me that I am better off.”

Last Friday several members of the Benefit Reform Action Group (BRAG) met with managers at Community Services, at the department’s invitation. Tim Blades was sick and couldn’t make it, but fellow BRAG member Jodi Brown read his letter on his behalf. The letter is addressed to Joy Knight, who is the department’s director of Employment Support Services. Tim tells it as it is.

From October 26-30th, Gloria Reyes of the Rabinal Legal Clinic will speak throughout the Maritimes about the case of 36 Maya-Achi women seeking justice for sexual violence committed at the height of Guatemala’s 36 year internal armed conflict. The speaking tour, organized by the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS), will have events in Tatamagouche, Moncton, Fredericton, Charlottetown, Antigonish and Halifax.

The government has ripped up the arbitration agreement with Crown attorneys and unilaterally replaced that with a bogus “right to strike,” which declares Crowns an “essential service,” and renders any work stoppage ineffective. Judy and Larry Haiven explain why the Crowns need our support as they draw a line in the sand.

Unionized staff of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) who have been on strike for more than a week continue to call on the Management of the CLC to return to the bargaining table and negotiate a a fair deal with the staff and their union. Includes a link to a petition you could sign.