featured Inclusion Weekend Video

Weekend video: The Fruit Machine (trailer)

This weekend’s weekend video is a trailer for The Fruit Machine, a documentary about the hysterical witch hunt of gay civil servants here in Canada that continued well into the 1990s. 

From The Fruit Machine facebook page: “Some softened by age and sadness, others loud and angry, the voices of the survivors of Canada’s public service and military homosexual purge are now united, and determined. They are torqued by decades of silence, years of being ignored. They demand justice, and they want to be heard. 

“Theirs is a story of betrayal that is both national and deeply personal. Men and women who dedicated their lives to public and military service, some signing oaths of allegiance and servitude; casualties of a political tapestry woven in the fibers of acute security measures that somehow became normalized.”

The acclaimed documentary was directed and written by Sarah Fodey.

You can see the full documentary on December 5, 6:30 PM, at the Halifax Central Library. There will also be a panel with purge survivors.

Tickets are free, but it looks like organizers would like you to register.

See also: Weekend Video: Halifax Pride March 1989

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