Proper housing is a human right, and everybody who is homeless deserves the relative safety and dignity provided by a hotel room, if not a home. This is always the case, not just during a pandemic, but now more than ever. It is time for the province to do its share.

“When this is over, we cannot listen to those right-wing voices rally against the heroes of today.,” writes Danny Cavanagh. “Our health care system needs national standards, and increased funding from the federal government. It’s time to eliminate profit from all of health care including long term care, home care, residential care and group homes. All those segments of the system must be brought under the Canada Health Act.”

Both Saltwire and Postmedia might not be in such dire straits if their management had not already made so many terrible strategic and financial decisions, including reducing the numbers of journalists they employ. But they receive generous federal funding, while small outfits like Briarpatch are not getting a penny, writes Dr. Fiona McQuarrie, author and Professor in the School of Business at the University of the Fraser Valley.