Judy Haiven: It’s precisely the skills of patience, fortitude, thrift, respect, organization, and active listening which have been undervalued in our society and are now critically needed. Is it too much to think there will be a change in how women’s work is seen– and more importantly compensated?

Press release: Prisons kill on a ‘normal’ day and Minister Blair’s inaction runs the risk of contributing to premature deaths at this critical time. The Abolition Coalition remains steadfast in its message to Minister Blair – #DontKillBill, #ReleaseSavesLives, #CleanOutPrisons now! If action is not taken in the days ahead, Prime Minister Trudeau needs to #DisbandThePausePatrol and bring a new sheriff in town to clean-up the mess unfolding in penitentiary bay.

Just want to share this Facebook post written by a mother who, with help from Adsum for Women and Children, is about to move into one of Adsum’s apartment units. This after 9 months of couch surfing, and despite the horrible pandemic that makes everything more difficult.

Martyn Williams tackles the closures of pathways through places like Victoria Park and the Commons and the overeager enforcement by Halifax police. “It is absolutely the right thing to make sure our paths through parks can still be used for essential transport. The practice of fining people using them responsibly and safely for this purpose is completely unacceptable.”

Sustainable Northern Nova Scotia (SuNNS) is calling on the Minister of Environment Gordon Wilson, to approve the Municipality of the County of Colchester Regulations, regarding the French River Protected Water Area. SuNNS is also asking the Minister to honor the 1,000 signature petition, calling on the Provincial government to protect the French River Watershed and cancel the Warwick Mountain gold mining project.