featured Racism

Letter: Premier McNeil, you must act now to end racism

Carol Millett wrote the following letter to Premier Stephen McNeil, and she asked that we share it with our readers.

To Premier McNeil,

You acted swiftly and decisively to protect Nova Scotians from COVID-19 because our lives would be in danger. 

You can just as swiftly and decisively act to protect Nova Scotians of African descent because they tell us they are suffering from racism – every day in this province, including in their interactions with government services, be it health, justice, education, or environment. Every day, Mr Premier. 

Your proclamation of 2018 for the International Decade for People of African Descent proves words are not enough. You have given yourself unprecedented power. Action is required in all government departments to end racism, and you, sir, are at the head of all of them. As the world stands in solidarity with Black and brown people, what are you going to do to demonstrate your intent to end white supremacy?

Prove Black Lives Matter in Nova Scotia

Carol Millett, New Ross, Nova Scotia

See also: Open letter to the Premier: Seven actions to stop systemic racism in our health care system

With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.

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