Richard Starr: “The theme of recent COVID-19 updates in Nova Scotia has been “opening up.” Opening up the economy and opening up society have been on the agenda. But opening up democracy – not so much. Indeed, the past week provided more evidence, if more is needed, of Premier McNeil’s disdain for the views of others.”

Ray Bates: “There was a period of time when one knew that a toilet would be required soon but for many of us the passing of years or medical conditions have drastically abbreviated the frequency need into a now-means-now.”

Among the many great speakers at Saturday’s huge #JusticeForRegis rally in Halifax was Dr. Lynn Jones, who has fought racism since she was a teenager. It was a remarkable speech and we are glad she allowed us to share it here.

In Nova Scotia, about 25% of the workforce is excluded from basic workers’ compensation coverage. We believe that every worker deserves to come home safe and healthy at the end of their workday.

“We are all in this together” is one of those common expressions of solidarity used by governments across Canada in response to the coronavirus pandemic. However, that’s not true in practice for all kinds of people, writes María José Yax-Fraser, who takes a closer look at the cases of women who were denied health coverage here in Nova Scotia.