Environment featured Weekend Video

Weekend video: Dave Gunning “For All The Gold”

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – Check out this powerful video by the amazing Dave Gunning, the singer/songwriter who over the years has done more than his share in support of the fight to Clean Up the Pictou County Mill.

Here Gunning shifts his attention away from Pictou as he sings the praises of the beautiful St Mary’s river in Guysborough County, and explains why plans by Atlantic Gold to construct an open pit gold mine alongside the river should be halted. 

“It’s easy to dig a hole in the ground and make some money right now. It takes a lot more effort to think about the future and who will have to pay for the damage,” Gunning told journalist Alec Bruce of the Star.

The open pit will be one kilometre long, half a kilometre wide and a maximum of 170 metres deep. The construction of the mine raises many environmental concerns, among those concerns fear that leaks or leaching from the tail ponds will cause irreparable damage to the river is at the top of the list. 

Gunning wrote the song and created the video to support the St. Mary’s River Association and the Atlantic Salmon Federation in their defense of the environmentally sensitive watershed.  

 To learn more, or to check out the annotated lyrics of the song, visit the Gold Mine Conversation

See also: Peter Puxley: If not mining, then what? Towards a sustainable and prosperous rural Nova Scotia

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