Offset lithograph
Offer a soft answer
Mend a quarrel
Seek out a forgotten friend
Understand the meaning of hope
Dismiss suspicion, replace it with trust.
Write someone a letter
Share a treasure
Encourage children’s curiosity
Manifest your loyalty in word and in deed
Respect and support those who have no voice.
Keep a promise
Forego a grudge
Listen again.
Examine your life
Apologize if you are wrong
Understand another’s point-of-view
Forgive those who would harm you
Flout envy.
Consider the old, weak and the poor
Think about someone else
Touch someone with your kindness
Be gentle
Laugh a little, laugh a lot.
Walk on a beach with your dog
Pause and listen to the wind
Watch a night sky filled with stars
Deserve confidence
Accept love and all its complications.
Take up arms against injustice.
Express gratitude
Welcome a stranger
Hold your mother or her memory in your arms
Tell your father of your love for him.
Gladden the heart of a child
Give another unconditional love
Speak your love
Speak it yet again
Speak it still once more.
With a special thanks to our generous donors who make publication of the Nova Scotia Advocate possible.
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Thank you Alexander.
Yes, thank you so much!