Environment featured

If you care about our forests – Why the Forest Management Guide public consultation matters

If you care about our forests…

We need people to comment on the Silvicultural Guides to the Ecological Matrix by February 19th.

See Forest Management Guide: public consultation

These guides will shape how exactly ‘harvest’ plans will be decided for about two thirds of crown land forest. They are very important and also very detailed and quite technical.

This sounds intimidating and, if you really dig down into the details, it is, for those of us who aren’t foresters.

But you don’t have to be an expert to comment, you just have to be a Nova Scotian who cares about how forestry is done on our public lands in this province.

Attached are the comments I just sent in. Please feel free to borrow, rephrase, use in any way you find helpful.

In making my comments I drew heavily on the expertise of the Healthy Forest Coalition, Doug Hickman, Bev Wigney, and Addie and Fred Campaigne.

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