Environment featured

Letter: A hungry Nova Scotian

Dear Premier Ian Rankin,

As a Maritimer by choice beckoned willingly from lands further west  by three  grandsons, I have a question that  relates both to this marvelous bit of land I call home and to the futures of my boys. 

My question is “Where is your seat at the table and who is with you?” Are you breaking bread with the environmental groups in Nova Scotia and the tens of  thousand of us who marched for a moratorium on clear cutting for  and the implementation of the Lahey report?  Are you seated with 38,000 Nova Scotians and the Assembly of Mi’kmaw Chiefs asking for protection for Moose Country? 

There is an empty plate at this table and  an honoured guest , a youth, has been left  out in the cold and he is hungry for change. Jacob Fillmore’s name and cause and courage have flashed around the world. The world is listening and he has been  heard and now it is your turn to invite him in, to listen and  meet the challenge  of climate change.

You said that  “Nova Scotians will not be able to socially isolate from the effects of climate change…. Climate change is the challenge of our generation, and my government has already begun to take decisive action to address this issue.”
Bring him out of the cold and nourish his hope in a future for all on this land, including trees and moose and grandchildren. Feed his dreams so he can sustain himself and end his hunger strike.

Kathrin Winkler

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  1. Premier Ian Rankin

    We are all waiting for your answer to this letter.
    Be hasty , there is no time to waste.
    Make sure it is aired on mainstream media please !
    Nova Scotia could forge a new and wiser way forward
    Inspiring the rest of our nation.

    Victoria Raine

    1. Right on! We need our leaders to forget about politics, elections, and reelections and instead do the right thing for our environment and the people. Imagine what might be accomplished if those who govern us had no personal agenda but instead worked only to serve us, our community, and the greater good. Come on, Ian, do the right thing.

  2. We are leading the way in Nova Scotia as a beacon of light in a Covid-weary world. We must provide a safe living environment for people we have welcomed into our province. As an eighth generation Nova Scotian, I see our province’s landscape, climate, homes, tourism, environment and future forestry jobs in a responsible manner depending on getting this right. Please start by getting this right. We cannot go back to undo environmental mistakes once they have caused their destruction. That power is not ours to have. But we have some power to change things now.We can make or break our province’s future. Thank you from our future generation Nova Scotians and from those who want to return home now and permanently.

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