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Annapolis candidate threatened cyclists on social media

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – The P.C. candidate vying for former Premier Stephen McNeil’s seat is facing scrutiny following comments made that sought to threaten and intimidate cyclists.

A Facebook post from 2018 shows Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Candidate Jennifer Ehrenfeld-Poole angrily expressing her beliefs that cyclists should be licensed and insured the same way as drivers, and displaying intimidating and threatening sentiment towards bike riders.

“Dear bicyclers, if you wish for me to share the roads with you I wish for you to register, plate, and insure your bicycle the same as I have to my trucks,” Ehrenfeld-Poole’s post reads. “Until then get the [expletive] over because I will be beside you within a hair of my mirror and dually fender so that you can feel extra breeze on you as I go by wishing I could get away with running you completely over.”

The post is being circulated by constituents in the District of Annapolis. 

A request for comment to the Progressive Conservatives garnered the following response: 

During our candidate recruitment process we work very hard to ensure that we have frank discussions and really get to know someone.

Jennifer voluntarily told us about this situation quite some time ago. We discussed it and we are confident that she is someone who cares deeply about the community.

In April, Jennifer reached out to the cycling community to explain the circumstances of the incident referenced in the post. She has continued to build on that relationship.  Evidence of that productive relationship can be found in this July 19th Facebook post from John Trites, VP Road & Bikeways Advocacy for Bicycle Nova Scotia:

“I am the VP of Roadways and Bikeways Advocacy for Bicycle Nova Scotia. There is a considerable backstory to this, and I took it on as part of my role with BNS. Jennifer Ehrenfeld-Poole wrote a letter to BNS highlighting her actual feelings towards cyclists, and supporting a number of initiatives which BNS believes with (sic) enhance the safety of all cyclists including the paving of all shoulders on secondary roads as part of repaving projects and for new construction, and support in principle for the Active Transportation Plan put forth by Bicycle Nova Scotia. Her business is one of the primary sponsors of the Heart of the Valley Century Ride and has been for a number of years.

While we took these allegations very seriously, we were satisfied that Jennifer was remorseful about the comments, and that she genuinely wants a good outcome for both cyclists and motorists, and she also understands the tourism benefits to her area to have bike-friendly roads in Annapolis County and all over Nova Scotia.

This is very old news and I suggest you let it drop. It has been dealt with and I believe Jennifer is on our side.”

Phone calls made to Ehrenfeld-Poole’s campaign for comment were dropped after identifying The Nova Scotia Advocate.

Ehrenfeld-Poole’s campaign refused to provide comment to The Nova Scotia Advocate. 

After being hung up on following my identification as a reporter, the person associated with the campaign, in a subsequent call, said he was “too busy” to comment and ended the call. Efforts made to reach her campaign’s Facebook page were met with “no comment” and being redirected to the PC Party.

Ehrenfeld-Poole’s business in Annapolis County became the subject of an investigation by the Environment Department earlier this year, after the discovery of autofluff in a Nova Scotia landfill last fall. While Ehrenfeld-Poole, the site owner, told CBC News the leftover car materials were authorized by the Department of Environment, the Department says a 2018 amendment request was rejected, and autofluff was never authorized at the landfill.

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  1. According to his LinkedIn profile, John Trites is President of the Hants West Progressive Conservative Association. Did he mention that?

  2. There is more info about this floating around the internet now. She has posts still on her facebook page laughing at memes about running over cyclists. And John Trites at BNS also happens to be the president of the NSPC riding association in West Hants. That is some hand greasing going on for sure.

  3. John Trites is also a a member of several Conservative groups. From his linkedin he is a member of “Kings Hants Conservative Association” and Hants West Progressive Conservative Association”

    I think that this is a conflict of interest and he when dealing with Ehrenfeld-Poole as they are on the same political team. I am not satisfied about John Trites passing himself off as a legitimate spokesman for cyclists and active transportation. It just sounds like Trites is just sticking up for his fellow Conservative.

  4. John Trites is also the constituency president for the pc party for Hants West. This seems like someone that should be noted in the article as it seems to be a conflict of interest. John Trites just passing himself off as a cyclist advocate is very misleading at best.

  5. Dear Jennifer, if you wish me to share the road with you, consider body armour; because if I see you aggressively going after cyclists, you are reported to the authorities.

  6. To me, Ehrenfeld-Poole’s conversion, in the face of an election call, lacks credibility (as does Trites’ endorsement). The sooner people realize the longterm impact of the spoken or penned word, the better. Apparently unaware of this, Poole’s leadership ability is questionable. Her original diatribe against cyclists is both rude and threatening. Surely we deserve better.

  7. This woman does not belong in politics! Go work for Trump lady – you’d fit right in there.

  8. Words matter Jennifer. Perhaps the next time you flippantly threaten someone with vehicular homicide, Google “consequences” “Lawyer”
    “evidence” and “incarceration”…For the rest of your life, you will be the first door knock recipient for any and all hit-and-run cycling accidents. Well done.
    Why won’t I let it go? I ride a bicycle…I also ride a motorcycle, and drive a truck. But when I ride my bike with lights on during the day, wear light clothing, all safety gear, and keep as far as possible to the right without going off into the weeds and boulders. You want me dead.
    If you see me riding my other 2-wheeler power by 105 CI motor in a manner that upsets you, will you take a run at me? How about in my truck? Willing to play bumper trucks?
    Ya, I get annoyed at groups of cyclists not in single file and allowing for the smooth flow of traffic if that was your beef, but never have my thoughts turned to homicide. #angerManagement

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