Brooklyn Connolly: “Now, with weeks to go before the 2021 school year begins, it seems that a safe return is the latest task to be ignored. Perhaps this is because making a plan means addressing its years of non-action, the ones that money could have solved: if only that new school was built, if ventilation was replaced, if teacher’s concerns hadn’t gotten lost.”

Danny Cavanagh: Imagine that you’re paying rent and you have been told you need to move out because the place will be renovated. You go to the bank to see about buying a home. The bank says no to a mortgage even though the rent payment is higher than a mortgage payment. This is happening far too often.

A landfill near Bridgetown in the Annapolis Valley has been the subject of complaints at the Municipal level for nearly five years. At the time the facility was managed by a Annapolis Progressive Conservative candidate Jennifer Ehrenfeld-Poole, who earlier became a subject of controversy after screenshots circulated on social media of the candidate expressing a desire to commit violence against cyclists.