Kendall Worth: Meet Jennifer, Donna, Tafiba, and Michelle , who have two things in common. They are interested in wanting to get back into the workforce and they have applied for a zillion jobs over these past couple of years and it seems that no one will hire them.

For Rose, who Kendall Worth introduced us to earlier, will have to apply for income assistance because her parents are only able to pay her rent for two more years due to their health going downhill and her father recently retiring.

Kendall Worth: it is safe to say that 80% of income assistance recipients live a life of loneliness and social isolation. Many do not have good relationships with their families, and many of them do not even talk to their families. COVID-19 made this so much more worse, but we can do something about it.

Sarah is 38 years old. She has lived with a learning disability her whole life and when she got older was diagnosed with OCD, mild anxiety disorder and Asperger. She has $315 left after rent, special diet and telephone is paid. That is $315 to pay her power bill and get groceries that are not covered in the special diet allowance.

Kendall Worth speaks with NS NDP leader Gary Burrill and others about CERB. Early on in the COVID lockdown people on income assistance who held part time jobs were told by Community Services to apply for CERB. For the time being they receive more money, but there have been lots of headaches.