Nina Newington: “Jacob Fillmore is on the 15th day of his hunger strike. He has said he will keep going until he is hospitalized OR until our government puts in place an immediate moratorium on the clearcutting of Crown lands. I tried to talk him out of this hunger strike. Lots of other people have too.”

Forest protector Nina Newington continues her notes from court. “When a department is so broken it can’t meet its basic obligations, and when government and industry are so entwined that a mechanism supposed to give citizens a say is a sham, then what remains to those citizens.?”

Forest protector Nina Newington on the injunction extension applied for by Westfor banning anybody from interfering with clearcutting anywhere where mainland moose can be found. “This means you, John and Jane Doe. You don’t have to be one of the people who was arrested. You don’t have to have visited the blockades. You don’t even have to be a member of Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia. This injunction applies to you, whoever you are.