With the election season in full swing, it is time for another round of the Wellness Within Election Toolkit. Here are some questions for provincial MLA candidates when they arrive at your doorstep, or call. You can also email/facebook/tweet these questions to them!

As journalists navigate a scandalous story affecting the highest office in our province, remember that most everyone reading or listening to your coverage has been affected by alcoholism. Maybe some are battling alcoholism themselves. Reporters should keep this in mind as we seek accountability. Nova Scotians grappling with substance abuse are watching how we talk about this, and may make the difference between speaking up and seeking help, or suffering in silence.

Yesterday afternoon Dr. Jamie Livingston presented to the members of the Subcommittee to Define Defunding the Police. ” I believe that the majority of crisis calls in Halifax can and should be diverted to non-police-involved teams, ideally led by trained peer support workers since health professionals possess coercive powers that may replicate police-like approaches.”

I don’t often ask for help for an individual on this site, but I make an exception in this case involving my old friend Annie Clair who is trying to help her daughter deal with addiction.

Locking up people who are intoxicated is most often a bad idea. It criminalizes people who live with addictions and need help.. We spoke with Harry Critchley of the East Coast Prison Justice Society to understand the alternatives out there and the case he and Dr. Leah Genge will be making at Monday’s Halifax Board of Police Commissioners.

Letter: This week, people who use substances, community organizations, health care professionals, and families will recognize International Overdose Awareness Day. It’s a time to remember, and a time to act. Events will take place in Halifax and Sydney on Aug. 30, and in Truro and Amherst on Aug. 31.