Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia is shocked to learn that just weeks after local students organized a march of 10,000 to call for an end to the destruction of our planet, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and the Halifax Convention Centre are arranging a speech by the President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), a climate denialist group that opposes climate action and pushes for the continued growth and expansion of fossil fuel mega-corporations.

Good letter by Danny Cavanagh, president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, on the Chamber of Commerce complaining about civil servants’ wages. “What is the Chamber’s position on secret government handouts to hand picked universities? What is the Chamber’s position on the fact the majority of Nova Scotia children live in poverty? The Chamber of Commerce supported tax cuts for business, when big businesses have been sitting on hordes of cash. Tax cuts were a promise as the solution to create jobs. These jobs never came.”