Press release: Members of Stop Spraying and Clear-Cutting Nova Scotia (SSCCNS) will be attending the student-led Climate Strike on Friday, September 25, 2020. On this day of global climate action, SSCCNS would like to highlight the vital role that healthy forests play in fighting climate change. Science shows that forests stabilize our climate by absorbing and storing carbon, which prevents that carbon from further warming our atmosphere. This is a significant consideration in Nova Scotia, where forests cover 75% of our province.

On september 25th 2020, Climate Strike Halifax, A.K.A schoolstrike4climatehfx will hold a socially distanced climate justice rally. As a society we are currently experiencing many overlapping crises and do not have the luxury of complacency. Therefore, we continue to strike in the name of climate justice in a covid-friendly manner to show government that we are #notgoingback to normal.

Thought we were done? Think again! Halifax youth will plug into the world again this Friday. “We haven’t gone away. We’re just getting started!” —Julia Sampson, Grade 12 student at Citadel High. Halifax students will be part of the next global climate strike this Friday, November 29