Angela Giles reflects on the results of last week’s provincial election, and what it tells us about the need for electoral reform, and most importantly, the task at hand. “We need to hold Premier-elect Tim Houston and his party’s feet to the fire on issues like health care and climate. Organize in your communities and be ready to fight against any proposal to privatize health care.”

Press release: ight prominent environmental groups from across the country are urging federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada to ensure that Pieridae Energy’s proposed Goldboro Liquefied Natural Gas export facility project (Goldboro LNG) undergoes a comprehensive, up-to-date federal impact assessment.

In mid-October, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) seized around 200 lobster traps from Mi’kmaq fishers in Unama’ki (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia). “It’s a struggle for them. They’re not making a lot of money, but it’s not about the money,” Bernadette Marshall told Robin Tress “It’s about the treaty right, and we’ve waited long enough.”

PSA: On the heels of a similar event in Mahone Bay that drew 300 people, the Twin Bays Coalition is holding a rally in opposition to the provincial government’s plan to impose industrial scale open net pen fish farming in our waters.

The Nova Scotia Offshore Alliance (NSOA) is reaffirming its call for a moratorium on all offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling until a full public inquiry can be completed on this dangerous activity. This statement comes in response to this week’s news that the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) has approved an extension to BP Canada’s license to drill offshore.