A press release issued by Independent Living Nova Scotia on December 18 announces that Kendall is this year’s recipient of the Lois Miller Tulip Award. The annual award recognizes a person, group or organization that exemplifies the spirit of independent living and enables people living with disabilities to have control over their lives.

Kendall checks up on several folks we met before to see how they are holding up during the second lock down. Altogether a lot better!

Gary Burrill: “The cancellation of the fall session of the House means that a whole series of legislative proposals, including those we in the NDP have ready to bring forward — from paid sick leave, to permanent rent control, to the establishment of a cross-sector, multi-Party Economic Recovery Task Force in Nova Scotia — will not at this time see the legislative light of day.”

NS Federation of Labour president Danny Cavanagh compares the media’s relentless focus on CERB abuses with the relative neglect of similar abuse of the countless COVID support programs in place for businesses. Meanwhile, at least 68 Canadian companies have continued to pay out billions in dividends to their shareholders while receiving government aid.

J-T: “I would like you to witness a day in the life of an inmate during COVID-19. In the beginning nobody took it seriously. It wasn’t a big deal until numbers began to rise quickly. We panicked. We were going to break out, we’d plan it all out, work as a team, and I’m talking about the majority of us. We weren’t going to just sit here and die”