Letter to the Halifax Board of Police Commissioners by a recently formed coalition of groups and individuals interested in reforming policing in Nova Scotia. Among other things the group cautions against looking at body cams as an effective way to tackle police violence and call for public access to all HRP operational policies. They also ask that the Board engage in an extensive community consultation regarding systemic racism.

PSA: On Tuesday morning, Santina Rao will appear in Halifax court once again on charges of assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, and causing a disturbance. We are angered and disgusted that Santina continues to face criminal charges when she was the one left with a concussion, a broken wrist, bruises, and lacerations.

Raymond Sheppard with some things Halifax police must do now. “The chief of police, the mayor and Regional Council must halt negotiations with the police union until such time that the union stops advocating to keep officers who have committed racist acts.”