The story is a familiar one here in Nova Scotia. With full support of the government and without meaningful consultation a precious metal mine is built in a community, leaving residents worried about blasting, water quality and other environmental concerns. The same thing is happening in Guatemala, only much more brutally so. A Canadian-owned mine is vehemently opposed by local Xinka communities, and the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking The Silence Network (BTS) tries to amplify their voices internationally.

Press release: Medical professionals, human rights organizers, and supporters from coast to coast came together virtually to denounce the catastrophic legal, medical, and moral consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on incarcerated migrants. The press conference took place as migrants at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre entered their fifth day of an indefinite hunger strike.

From October 26-30th, Gloria Reyes of the Rabinal Legal Clinic will speak throughout the Maritimes about the case of 36 Maya-Achi women seeking justice for sexual violence committed at the height of Guatemala’s 36 year internal armed conflict. The speaking tour, organized by the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS), will have events in Tatamagouche, Moncton, Fredericton, Charlottetown, Antigonish and Halifax.

A new documentary, The shadow of Gold, about gold mining in Canada and world-wide, will be shown this Tuesday at the Central Library in Halifax. With gold mining on the increase in Nova Scotia ,we feature the documentary’s trailer and highly recommend that you check it out.

As a rule we focus on local stories in the Nova Scotia Advocate, but we gladly break that rule for this article by María José Yax-Fraser on the desperate situation in Guatemala and how Canada should act in defence of all those who are struggling to maintain the rule of law there.