Media release: No More Warehousing: The Nova Scotia Association for Inclusive Homes and Supports strongly condemns the brutal actions taken by the Halifax Regional Police on August 18th. We also condemn the demonstrably untrue responses made by Halifax Mayor Mike Savage, Police Chief Dan Kinsella, and members of the HRM Municipal Council.

Media advisory: The Dalhousie Legal Aid Service condemns yesterdays’ efforts by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) to remove 40 occupants of tents and temporary shelters from public parks across the city. From media reports, it appears that the HRM’s actions constitute multiple human rights violations. We take issue with both the HRM’s decision to evict and with the city’s failure to adequately consult with community stakeholders before taking action on this decision.

A group of ten community organizations and members are calling on the Halifax Regional Municipality to abandon its plan to remove temporary shelters from public property today, on July 13, 2021. Whatever its public justifications, what is happening is that the city is reacting to those who view the shelters as eye sores and their residents as bad for business and property values.