Premier Houston appointed an old white man to lead the department responsible for African Nova Scotian affairs and the office of Anti-Racism initiatives. A decision made is a direction. A decision steers and maneuvers future actions towards certain ports of call and leaves other harbours in its wake.

Joanne Bealy writes an open letter to Premier Tim Houston: “You could still change the already wide-spread perception that the only constituents who matter to you are white, cis, moneyed ones. The Black history of Canada begins in Nova Scotia. You could listen to what the people have said and reach beyond your party’s boundaries to appoint an African Nova Scotian as Minister of African Nova Scotian Affairs.”

All the hammers and wrenches in the world cannot help Tim the tool man Houston fix this problem; he better call in the experts, oh wait, he dismissed them. Angela Bowden on the firing of Dr. OmiSoore Dryden, Dr. Kesa Munroe-Anderson, and the appointment of a white Minister of African Nova Scotian Affairs.

Kendall Worth: People in my community are concerned about this new government. “What is this new government going to do for people living in poverty and for people receiving social assistance,” they ask.

Angela Giles reflects on the results of last week’s provincial election, and what it tells us about the need for electoral reform, and most importantly, the task at hand. “We need to hold Premier-elect Tim Houston and his party’s feet to the fire on issues like health care and climate. Organize in your communities and be ready to fight against any proposal to privatize health care.”