Poverty Weekend Video

Weekend Video: Adsum House – I am here

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – This week’s Weekend Video offers an intimate glimpse into the lives of the women (and children) who benefit from supports provided by Adsum for Women and Children, the organization that does so much for homeless women, children and transgender persons here in Nova Scotia.

If I look back, I say wow, I am not the same person. I take pride in my job, I take pride in myself. I work hard, I work harder than I ever have for anything. It’s very overwhelming for sure. It’s a great feeling.

Earlier this week The Nova Scotia Advocate talked to Adsum executive director Sheri Lecker about the not-for-profit organization’s remarkable decision to pay all its staff, including casual staff, a living wage.

The video was produced by the now defunct Egg Films.

Please support Adsum House, so that it can continue to do its excellent work while paying its staff fair wages. 

