Education featured

North Preston students unhappy that beloved teacher was fired

Kjipuktuk (Halifax) – Last week Metro Halifax reported on a group of parents from North Preston who want a popular elementary school teacher reinstated.

Joida Tynes-Simons was terminated from her teaching job at Nelson Whynder Elementary by the Halifax Regional School Board (HRSB). Parents and former students don’t know why she was fired.  

Metro quotes Doug Hadley, spokesperson for the HRSB, as saying that Tynes-Simons’ review is a “personnel issue,” and that they “cannot comment on matters of this nature.”

The group of parents, who rallied at the school and later at the HRSB offices in Burnside told Metro that Tynes-Simons is an excellent teacher and a force for good in the community.

Now an impressive video by former student Kardeisha Provo adds the voices of several former students to those protesting the actions of the school board. The students have nothing but praise for her.

“I had Miss Tynes in grade five and six, and when I was in elementary I was an earful. Of all the teachers she would get through to me the most. She was one of my favourite teachers. She was friendly. I felt like she understood us and connected to us not only as a teacher but as a friend,” says one student.

“When I had her as a teacher, I was a difficult child,” explains another student. “She taught me the fact that I don’t always had to answer people in a negative way. She helped me control my negative attitude. She showed me I can laugh about most things, even if it is negative.”

“Miss Tynes, if you are watching this, I hope you get your job back,” a students says towards the conclusion of the video.


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  1. Why would the school board do this?! To not even give a reason, they must not have one! Always a hidden agenda in Nova Scotia life, no matter what it is!

  2. I wonder what the NSTU is doing about this.
    Of course the last refuge for all HR managers and public relations people is “this is a personnel issue, and we can’t comment.”

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