Arts featured

Review: Mayworks’ The View from Her(e) and its empowered audience

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) Last week I attended The View From Her(e),  a contemporary dance piece by Liliona Quarmyne, part of this year’s excellent Mayworks Halifax festival. The good news is, there is a Part 2 this week.

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The task choreographer/dancer Quarmyne and dancers Jacinte Armstrong and Sarah Rozee set themselves is to investigate just how an abstract and non-verbal art such as contemporary dance can carry a clear activist message.

Last week’s performance was all about audience feedback. You could walk around on stage, and you could ask questions while the dancers were going through their performance. You could also tell the  dancers to stop. When I attended the audience, an opinionated bunch, was very much into it.

For years now I subscribe to the Live Art Dance series, and I have seen my share of performances by well known contemporary dance companies from all over Canada and the world. Some are forgettable, some are really really good, and I am always glad I went.

But last week’s The View From Her(e) was the very first dance performance where I actually felt truly included. It felt great.

I am looking forward see how the piece evolved and I am wondering whether that is still entirely up to just Quarmyne and her dancers. Having had a taste of audience power, we may well be reluctant to just sit quietly and enjoy the show.

The View from her(e): Tuesday May 9 and Wednesday May 10, 7:30 PM, Bus Stop Theatre. Click here to buy tickets.

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