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Announcing the Nova Scotia Advocate weekly digest

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) – As of today the Nova Scotia Advocate is pulling the plug on the email updates subscribers receive each time we post a new story. Instead, we will now send out a nice weekly digest, showing the articles you might have missed that were published over the last week.

The old updates worked a lot better in the early days when we published four or five stories a week. Those days are gone, and when you get three or four email alerts per day in your inbox it probably gets to be a bit much.

I’ll email the weekly digest to you on Sunday morning.

You can subscribe here.  No need to do anything if you’re already a subscriber.


One Comment

  1. Hi Robert – any chance that there could be a *daily* digest? I would hate to think that you’d published something important and topical, and I only learned of it 6.5 days later.

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