Weekend Video

Weekend video: Mi’kmaq teens help build traditional birchbark canoes

KJIPUKTUK (Halifax) This weekend’s video is a short and sweet CBC news report by Elizabeth McMillan on two Mi’kmaq teens from the community of L’sitkuk, Bear River First Nation, who are getting an opportunity to work in Kejimkujik National Park with Todd Labrador. Labrador is one of the few people in Canada still making traditional birchbark canoes.

For more context, here is Todd Labrador in conversation with activist, author and filmmaker Silver Donald Cameron.  “If you have that knowledge, you have a responsibility. That responsibility is to pass that knowledge on, so we can keep it going. I didn’t start out that way, thing that was what I was going to do.”

Silver Donald Cameron is the driving force behind the Green Interview, a series of documentaries, well over 100 interviews, and a book, all focusing on environmental issues. Check out the full interview on the Green Interview website. It will require a subscription, but that shouldn’t stop you, since there is a one-month free trial.

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