Labour Media release

PSA: Palestinian workers under occupation – A view from within

A presentation by Imad Temeiza

Monday, February 25 

Glitter Bean Cafe
5896 Spring Garden Road 
6:30 – 8:30pm 

Organized by Labour for Palestine, 

Sponsored by: Canadian Union of Postal Workers-Atlantic, CUPW Nova Local, and the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council

Dear friends and comrades, 

We are pleased to host Palestinian trade unionist Imad Temeiza, who is here in Halifax as part of a speaking tour in Canada. He will be speaking at the Glitter Bean Cafe, this Monday, Feb 25 at 6:30pm. This is an exciting opportunity for local union activists and anyone wanting to know more about workers’ struggle in Palestine.

Imad is the co-founder and former elected leader of the Palestinian Postal Service Workers’ Union (PPSWU). He is currently the PPSWU International Relations Representative. Imad will discuss the multiple levels of oppression that Palestinian workers face in the Palestinian Territories occupied by Israel in 1967, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Workers’ struggle and resistance will be situated in the context of the failed Oslo Peace Process which began in the early 1990’s, and led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority. Contrary to the goal of creating a two-state solution, this process led to a system of Apartheid, as prominently witnessed throughout the Territories, in cities such as Hebron. 

 Labour for Palestine is a pan-Canadian network of labour activists who work to deepen solidarity with Palestinian workers and people in their struggle for liberation.  

 For more information about the upcoming events and/or how to become involved, you can find us on Facebook Labour for Palestine, Twitter @palestinelabour  or contact us by email at  
