Education Media release

News release: Students rally; demand the crisis in post-secondary education to be addressed

For immediate release

Monday, March 4, 2019


Students rally; demand the crisis in post-secondary education to be addressed

K’JIPUKTUK (HALIFAX) – Today students are calling on university presidents and the Department of Labour and Advanced Education to address the crisis of rising tuition fees and underfunding of institutions in Nova Scotia. The rally coincides with a meeting where students, university presidents and government representatives will be discussing the upcoming “Memorandum of Understanding”, a document determining tuition fee caps and government funding to post-secondary for the next 5 years.

“Students cannot take another five years of stagnant funding and higher tuition fees.” said Aidan McNally, Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students – Nova Scotia “The budgets of our institutions are being balanced on students who are paying the fastest rising tuition fees in the country. The system is in criss – we demand action now”.


Monday, March 4, 2019

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM

Maritime Center, 1505 Barrington St.

Students are demanding an immediate reduction of tuition fees, increased government funding and legislation to protect student unions.

The Canadian Federation of Students is the oldest and largest national student organization in Canada, representing over 500,000 college, undergraduate and graduate students across the country.

Photo CBC
